At Yara, we are committed to having a diverse environment where everyone grows and feels included

DEI awareness
DEI awareness

Our people are our greatest strength. To grow in an ever-changing environment, we need diverse perspectives and we need everyone at Yara to be their best selves. We have passionate and talented people with different perspectives who brings value to the business. We strive to attract diverse talents and also develop and retain them. Our focus is to work towards providing all our employees with a great experience and equitable access to growth opportunities.

Yara has an ambition to have 40% women in senior leadership roles by 2025. Yara has recently launched Black Leadership Development program as an initiative to increase diversity in leadership roles.

Here are a few examples that show our commitment to strengthening our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda

Global Pride Network

Yara employees participating in Pride celebrations in Oslo

At Yara, we're dedicated to advancing LGBTQIA+ equity and are committed to increasing visibility and support for our LGBTQIA+ colleagues not only in June, but year-round. Specifically, we're striving to build a company and an industry where everyone can thrive equally, without distinctions. To do so, we are creating precise targets to foster a safe environment for all our employees and stakeholders.

Read about our company's journey to diversity and inclusion

Women in Agronomy Program

Women in agronomy

Providing development opportunities, visibility and a safe space for women

Female agronomists frequently face challenges their male counterparts are typically not experiencing, both internally and when meeting customers and distributors.

Our ''Women in Agronomy'' program was launched in late 2020, involving 60 women across all regions. Through mentoring, networking and visibility channels, the program connects emerging female talents with more experienced female colleagues, building trust and confidence.

The Inclusion Project

Inclusion at Yara

Using Virtual Reality to make some of the biases women face more visible

Diversity intiatives so far mainly focused on raising awareness of specific challenges that marginalized groups experience. The Inclusion Project is a DEI training aimed at changing attitudes and behaviours over time. 

The Inclusion Project will use virtual reality (VR) to place employees in the shoes of someone who is marginalized, so they can experience life from that person's point of view and reflect on hoe they might beome inclusive themselves.

Black Talent Initiative

Black Talent at Yara

Building knowledge for top leaders, making everyone reflect, and providing development opportunities for black leaders

At Yara, we not only want to create the right conditions to have conversations about race and ethnicity but to create an inclusive culture where Black Talent at Yara is fully appreciated, valued and thrives.

The ''Black Talent Initiative'' was launched in August 2020 - is not a one-off project, but rather the first step on our journey to becoming high performing racially diverse, inclusive organization.