The Hernández family - From tradition to innovation

From a modest 54 hectares to a sprawling 544, the Hernández family's farm thrives in Mexico's heartland under Martín Hernández Sánchez's guidance.

The beautiful Mexican landscape breathes life into maize, lime, and agave crops. Dedicated to improving working practices, Martín endeavors to pass these invaluable skills to his family.

three generations

For Martín, the farm is more than just land—it's a legacy he aims to pass down to future generations. His son, Miguel, now a father himself, feels the weight of this responsibility. As the family grapples with a changing world, Martín reassures his son of the inherent goodness that lies ahead.

"The whole world is changing around us. But I am calm because I know that good things will come. You will not walk alone," Martín says, looking at his son.

Miguel has embraced his father’s approach to farming, prioritizing long-term sustainability above all. Using Yara's fertilizers and advanced technology, he is committed to maintaining the farm's productivity while ensuring a responsible use of resources.

"No more, no less. I have a responsibility to make sure this farm continues to produce and builds on everything my father has accomplished."

Miguel Hernández

As a Yara agronomist, Francisco Ramírez España witnesses Martín's leadership in action. “Martín's open-mindedness towards technology and continuous improvement has resulted in impressive outcomes,” Francisco says.

The Hernández farm's use of Yara's nitrate-based solutions is a testament to Martín's leadership and the family's drive for efficiency.

"The need to grow more using less... It's all about efficiency."

Francisco Ramírez España

Watch more videos from the Hernández family below:

A story of efficiency

A story of efficiency

A story of profitability

A story of profitability

A story of sustainability

A story of sustainability