August 15, 2024

Can regenerative agriculture practices transform South Africa’s macadamia farms?

DR Mattison Farms is at the forefront of transforming macadamia farming with regenerative agriculture. Through a strategic partnership with Yara, the farm is enhancing soil health, boosting biodiversity, and securing long-term productivity.

Dr Mattison Farms in Macadamia Farm
Dr Mattison Farms in Macadamia Farm

Activating the principles of regenerative agriculture

At Yara, we see regenerative agriculture as a systematic, outcome-based approach where the best sustainable farming practices can be adopted by all farmers, leading to a positive impact on climate, soil health, resource use, biodiversity, and prosperity. We believe that regenerative agriculture is the way forward to decarbonize the food system and make farming nature-positive and resilient to climate shocks.

“We are very strong on regenerative agriculture,” says DR Mattison Farms agronomist Roy Fraser. “We found that with Yara, absolutely, it’s a win-win all the way.”

Sharing Yara’s ambition of Growing a Nature-Positive Food Future, DR Mattison Farms integrates regenerative agricultural practices to enhance soil health and biodiversity. “We spend a lot of time bringing back the microbial populations to the soil, introducing mulching and organic material and increasing the carbon content of our soil,” says Fraser. These efforts are critical for maintaining the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the soil, ensuring it remains productive for generations to come.

Farmer holding macadamia nuts

By reducing salt loading in their fertilization programs, DR Mattison Farms enhances their biological control measures, creating a harmonious environment for both plants and soil organisms. Aeration and drainage are improved through soil ripping, fostering robust root systems that maximize fertilizer efficiency.

New practices yield remarkable results

In mid-2022, DR Mattison Farms began using YaraRega™, a fertigation crop nutrition solution. “Because of the solubility of the fertilizer and the quality, we’re using a lot less fertilizer for a better result,” says Fraser. The adoption of this approach has allowed the farm to maintain high nutrient loading while reducing electrical conductivity (EC) levels from 2.4 to 1.8. This improvement not only lowered the salt content in the soil, but also eliminated salt residue in dripper lines, enhancing nutrient absorption and plant health. The solubility of Yara fertilizers ensures that plants receive more nutrients more effectively, leading to healthier trees. No longer facing issues like salt burn, the orchards now exhibit clean and vibrant flushes.

“The improved root health, supported by meticulous fertigation and soil management practices, has contributed to a remarkable 35% increase in crop yield, even in a non-peak year.”

Roy Fraser, agronomist

Close up of macadamia nuts


Precision farming with innovative solutions

Alongside its crop nutrition program, DR Mattison Farms embraces precision farming tools and technologies to optimize their farming practices. The integration of Yara AllFarm, an agile digital platform, enables informed nutrient use decisions that can further elevate efficiency and productivity. Advanced features include a predictive warning system to allow for faster detection of problems for timely preventative measures. The farm’s adoption of the AllFarm platform at  its launch in May 2023 has been a key part of achieving its improved outcomes.

Yara at your side with partnership and support

The collaboration with Yara extends beyond crop nutrition and digital products to include personal engagement and support. “Having an agent with feet in the orchard is worth a lot more than just having someone on the other side of a phone,” says Fraser. This close relationship ensures tailored solutions and continuous improvement in farm operations.

Continuing the nature-positive journey

DR Mattison Farms exemplifies the successful implementation of regenerative agriculture principles, supported by Yara’s innovative solutions. Their journey not only boosts farm productivity, farmer prosperity, and sustainability, but also helps us move closer to our broader goal of creating a nature-positive food future that benefits both the planet and future generations.

Macadamia farm landscape