March 22, 2025

From irrigation to fertigation: A success story from Korea

In the face of an aging population, diminishing labor force, and volatile crop prices, Korean farmers are seeking innovative solutions to improve productivity while minimizing environmental impact. Fertigation, a technique that combines irrigation and fertilization, offers a promising approach to address these challenges.

Korean farmers in field
Korean farmers in field

Aging society and impact on labor force

In Korea, the average age of farmers is 68 years old and the availability of labor in agriculture is diminishing. Part-time workers now earn over USD 100 per day due to intensified demand for high quality products at better prices amidst volatile crop prices and an overall economy recession.

Currently, 90% of mineral fertilizers are sourced from local producers through government subsidies, posing a significant challenge in Korea. The government also subsidizes the use of irrigation systems and construction of greenhouses to reduce labor intensity and enhance productivity. With these systems in place, fruit trees and soil culture greenhouses are already being irrigated on a relatively large scale – approximately 50,000 hectares of fruit trees and 30,000 hectares of greenhouse vegetables are irrigated.

Fertigation is a mix of fertilizer and irrigation that optimizes water and fertilizer use, while also reducing carbon emissions. By converting irrigation to fertigation, fewer labor resources are required, offering a better cost position.

Korean farmers applying fertigation

Higher productivity and sustainability for farmers

According to a research by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), converting from irrigation to fertigation increases crop yields in all 45 crops tested by at least 50% to 250%. This change can help increase the farmer's income by reducing labor costs and improving water use efficiency and nutrient use efficiency. However, farmers who only use irrigation methods are usually unaware of the benefits associated with converting to fertigation and changing farming practices takes time and effort.

Taking farmer segmentation into consideration, Yara Korea put together Crop Total Solutions (CTS) plans for precise application in 25 crops at all stages. With a strong belief that knowledge grows, the team conducted 40 farmer seminars and produced 20 educations videos shared on Youtube in 2023-2024. 

Farmers attending workshop on fertigation, held by Yara Korea

EasyFeed – a solution for Korean farmers

YaraRega is the anchor product for the conversion of irrigation to fertigation. Two formulations were launched in Korea in the second half of 2021 as part of the distribution strategy with key business partners. EasyFeed is an innovative plug- and-play solution that makes it easier and more cost-effective for farmers to get started with fertigation.

Already a proven and well received solution in the European market, a trial with Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was initiated in Korea with a key distributor in 2022. The Korean EasyFeed equipment was developed at a more competitive cost with a 200-liter water tank, pump, stirrer, check valve, and control box included. It was distributed to farmers who subscribed to CTS for two years. A total of 8 EasyFeed cases were installed in 2023, with 80 cases estimated in 2024 and projection of 300 cases by 2026. 400 metric tons (mt) of YaraRega volume is anticipated with the EasyFeed installation, with the aim to supply 1,000 tons of YaraRega to large- scale farmers and cooperatives by 2026.

Fertigation presents a promising solution for Korean agriculture, addressing the challenges posed by an aging population, diminishing labor force, and environmental concerns. By adopting this sustainable practice, farmers can improve their productivity, increase their incomes, and contribute to a more resilient and sustainable food system. Yara's commitment to promoting fertigation and providing farmers with the necessary tools and support is a crucial step in realizing this potential.

Korean farmer in field