June 13, 2024

Digital farming: Empowering farmers to meet the challenge

Today's agricultural landscape faces the perfect storm: a growing global population demands more food, yet extreme weather threatens yields. This is where digital farming empowers farmers to thrive with data, optimizing resources and yields while protecting our planet.

Banana farmer and Yara agronomist in Asia
Banana farmer and Yara agronomist in Asia

The challenge: feeding a growing population, sustainably  

From feeding a growing population, to battling the effects of climate change, the pressure on today’s farmers is immense. Extreme weather patterns, driven by climate change, are severely impacting their success. This, coupled with the growing demand for food, means farmers are tasked with the imperative of producing more, better, and more sustainably.   

Yet, meeting these demands requires more than traditional farming methods can offer. Yara’s digital farming solutions are data-driven and innovative approaches that empower farmers to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and achieve greater yields – all while protecting the environment. 

What is digital farming?  

Farmer viewing crop nutrition plan on tablet

Digital farming isn’t a one-size-fits all solution. It encompasses a wide range of tools, from essential platforms that connect farmers to the right fertilizer, to customized precision agriculture technologies that deliver high-quality, actionable data.

Imagine a farmer receiving targeted advice on crop nutrition during crucial growth stages, or using soil sensors to pinpoint areas that require more water or fertilizer. These are just a few examples of how digital farming solutions provide actionable insights and empower informed decision-making.

Digital farming at Yara

At Yara, our digital farming solutions benefit both large-scale and small-scale farmers across the globe, spanning over 60 countries and 22.8 million digitized hectares. 

Agronomist using N-Tester in field

Global digital solutions

  • API Solutions: Agriculture APIs offered for external partners to integrate our AgTech capabilities with their digital solutions, to provide field-specific advice throughout the crop cycle. 
  • The N-Sensor and N-Tester BT: Yara's hardware solutions are tools designed to help farmers optimize fertilizer use and improve crop yields by measuring the nutrient content of the soil and crops.   

Digital solutions available in Europe

  • YaraPlus: The all-in-one platform for crop nutrition. Where users can access all our solutions, products and knowledge in one place. 

Digital solutions available in the Americas 

  • Atfarm: An App that provides agronomic services to support farmers and advisors with crop nutrition, monitoring and improve nitrogen-use efficiency 

Digital solutions available in Africa & Asia 

  • YaraConnect: YaraConnect is a retailer-facing mobile application that fosters loyalty in the smallholder farming ecosystem by connecting Yara with its extensive network of retailers.

Digital farming and regenerative agriculture 

Regenerative agriculture encompasses a range of farming practices that regenerate and improve soil, biodiversity and water. At Yara, we see this approach as a concrete way to feed our growing population in a way that reduces the climate and nature footprint of farming. 

Digital farming complements this approach by simplifying complex data and providing actionable insights that can improve resource use efficiency.

Agronomists using N-Sensor in field

Cultivating a nature-positive food future  

Digital farming isn't just about meeting the challenge of today, it's about building a more prosperous and sustainable tomorrow. By equipping farmers with the tools and technologies they need to thrive, we can cultivate a future where food security and environmental responsibility go hand-in-hand.