April 07, 2015

Cool as ice

On this year’s World Health Day (April 7th), the World Health Organization focuses on food safety. Did you know that Yara contributes to keeping your food safe by keeping it cool? We are Europe's leading carbon dioxide CO2 and dry ice producer, using CO2 as a refrigerant.
Dry ice
Dry ice

More than 200 diseases are caused by unsafe food containing harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, chemical substances, according to the World Health Organization. Producing food entails considerable responsibility. Refrigeration plays a key role in ensuring food safety throughout the production chain. Yara is pioneering some of the most innovative solutions using CO2 to keep your food cool and fresh.

Dry ice is the common name of CO2 in its solid state. Dry ice is made by allowing liquid CO2 to expand to produce CO2 snow and then compressing it into conveniently sized dry ice blocks, slices and pellets. It maintains a constant low temperature for a long period of time and does not leave any residues.

As a supplier of dry ice to some of the largest European air and train catering groups, we offer a portfolio of dry ice sizes suitable for various travel spans and trolley shapes.

“When your meal is nice and fresh after a long continental flight, this is often thanks to Yara’s dry ice,” says Yves Bonte, Head of Yara’s Industrial Solutions segment, which has a dedicated team of CO2 experts.

Fresh, chilled and frozen products need temperature-controlled transport to stay fresh and still be safe for consumption. Yara’s silenci technology uses liquid CO2 to provide silent and environmentally-friendly refrigerated transport.

In addition to using CO2 as a reliable way to control temperature, Yara also uses the gas in the packaging of foodstuffs . The technology known as Modified Atmosphere Packing, or MAP, substitutes the atmospheric air inside a package with a protective gas mix, thereby keeping products fresh and safe for as long as possible.

Yara's CO2 is recovered from ammonia production by a steam reforming process, therefore all our commercial CO2 is also an environmentally beneficial product.

Yara bulk CO2 Supply Infrastructure:

  • #1 liquid CO2 producer in Europe
  • 5 of the 8 largest liquid CO2 production sites in Europe
  • 5 terminals insuring reliable CO2 supply across Europe
  • 3 dedicated liquid CO2 tanker ships

Check out our World Health Day infographic on Facebook!