November 04, 2016
Historic Paris agreement enters into force today
At the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC in Paris last December the world finally agreed on a joint effort to reduce global warming. The moment has been declared a historic turning point in the effort to combat climate change.
In the agreement, the 195 parties agree to reduce their carbon output "as soon as possible" and to do their best to keep global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius.
Yara was present at the UNFCCC conference in Paris last year, with the aim to bring attention to food security and the importance of sustainable agriculture practices to reach our common goal.
Yara joined forces with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the NGO Bellona and the climate research institute CICERO, hosting conferences in our joint pavilion at the conference.
At a local climate conference leading up to the Paris conference in Oslo in October 2015, Yara was able to give input on the importance of agriculture directly to the Christiana Figueres, the UN's climate chief. Figueres who led the negotiations in Paris, was clear on the need to handle food security to protect the world.
CGIAR, The World Farmers' Organization and GACSA (Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture) were among organizations whose work is to bring attention to agriculture as part of the solution. Issues directly related to agriculture, such as food production and security are explicitly mentioned in the Paris Agreement making specific reference to safeguarding food security and ending hunger, with one article detailing the importance of protecting food production when reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
“Out of 162 countries which have submitted a plan for tackling emissions, 119 has targeted the agricultural sector, which could have an impact on Yara’s markets,” says Bernhard Stormyr, Head of Sustainability Management.
He will represent Yara at the COP22, which will be hosted in Marrakesh between 7-18 November 2016.
“The way countries address emissions from their agricultural sector represent both opportunities and challenges for our industry. At COP22, Yara will stay connected to key stakeholders defining the basis for policy development and promote sustainable intensification as the most viable option,” says Stormyr.