December 20, 2016

Yara CEO personally signs 16,500 books for employees

Yara President and CEO, Svein Tore Holsether, has possibly broken a world record by signing over 16,000 copies of the ‘Yara Book’ with the company's new Mission, Vision and Values, to be sent to each employee.

Yara President and CEO, Svein Tore Holsether has completed the remarkable feat of personally signing 16,500 books which have now been sent to each every Yara employee.

We’re not exactly sure, but Svein Tore may have broken some sort of record for corporate book signings. The above video features a time-lapse giving you some idea of the size of the task, which took a total of 40 hours over a period of around a month.

The book – which was translated into 12 languages and sent to 170 Yara sites around the world – describes what Yara does and why we do it. It tells a short history of Yara, and explains how our new Mission, Vision and Values (M/V/V) will provide the company’s workforce with a unified focus to continuously grow knowledge to contribute to solving some of the world's biggest challenges.

“I really wanted to show my commitment to the Mission, Vision and Values. My signature is a signal of my commitment and I see it like a personal handshake to everyone in the organization,” said Holsether.

Yara’s new Mission Vision and Values are:

Our Mission: Responsibly feed the world and protect the planet.

Our Vision: A collaborative society; a world without hunger; a planet respected.

Our Values: Ambition, Curiosity, Collaboration and Accountability